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Gaddam Harikrishna J P, Araveti Y, Boddapati A. Evaluation of Three Hemoglobin Estimation Methods for Screening Blood Donors: An Experience in a South Indian Hospital. Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences 2022; 8 (1) :1-7
URL: http://ijrabms.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-177-en.html
Department of Transfusion Medicine,Department of Pathology Narayana Medical College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, India , research.nmch1@rediffmail.com
Abstract:   (1731 Views)
Background & Aims: Hemoglobin (Hb) estimation is one of the mandatory tests should be carried out on all blood donors before accepting for blood donation to prevent collecting blood samples from anemic donors. Presently various methods are available for pre-donation screening of donor hemoglobin. Total Hb concentration is calculated from measured absorbance at multiple wavelengths. In this study we reviewed the performance of Compolab TS with automated SYSMEX XN 1000i hematology analyzer and with standard cyanmethemoglobin method.
Materials & Methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the department of Transfusion Medicine, Narayana Medical College and Hospital, India. A total of 466 blood donors were screened and evaluated for hemoglobin estimation by three different methods. Comparison and their test performances were evaluated by analysis of coefficients of variation (CV), linear regression, and mean differences, using SPSS Software version 20.0.
Results: There was no difference between the mean Hb determinations. The CVs for three methods Compolab TS, 0Coulter, and Cyanmethemoglobin methods were 0.71%, 0.44%, and 0.85%, respectively. Compolab TS and Coulter showed best agreement and the Cyanmethemoglobin showed lower determination rate compared to both the Coulter and Compolab TS tests. However, pair methods involving Cyanmethemoglobin seem to narrower limits of agreement (± 0.1636 and ± 0.2152) than Compolab TS and Coulter combination (± 0.2730).
Conclusion: Estimation of Hb by Compolab TS is rapid, simple and easy and showed good agreement with the standard methods.
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Type of Study: orginal article | Subject: General

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