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Assistant Professor, Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, AP, India , dr.shamsheer.sk@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1107 Views)
Background & Aims:  The etiology of hoarseness of voice ranges from benign to malignant disease and should not be avoided. To treat the underlying pathology, proper knowledge and clinicopathological profile of hoarseness of voice are required. This study was conducted at a tertiary care teaching institute to identify clinical and etiological risk factors for voice hoarseness.
Materials & Methods:  This retrospective study was conducted on 255 patients who had complained of hoarseness of voice for more than 15 days. All demographics, clinical history, pre-and postoperative video-laryngoscopic, and histopathology data were collected for 5 years.
Results:  Hoarseness of voice occurred in 0.46% of total attendees. The majority of patients (49.8%) were between the ages of 41 and 60 years, and 64.7% were men. Laborers and farmers were the most affected (21.56%). Smoking was observed in 20.4% of the patients, and tobacco chewing was observed in 17.65% of them. Palsy (6.27%), abductor palsy (3.13%), sulcus (3.13%), and papilloma were the most common causes of hoarseness (1.97%). The nonvocal/nonprofessional group was the single largest group (74.11%). 25.5% of hoarseness cases were caused by functional voice disorders.
Conclusion:  If hoarseness lasts more than 15 days, a referral to a voice specialist is recommended. Because etiological data varies by geographical area, each case should be thoroughly evaluated to ensure early diagnosis of underlying pathology and accurate treatment. The identification of the role of addictions such as smoking, tobacco chewing, and alcohol highlight the need to warn the public about the consequences such as cancer.
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Type of Study: orginal article | Subject: General

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