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Assistant Professor, Department of Radio Diagnosis, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana State, India , srujana.rad@rediffmail.com
Abstract:   (1109 Views)
Background & Aims:  Abortions, ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy are the common causes of bleeding during the first trimester. Current study evaluated the first trimester bleeding and prognosticate and predict the status of abnormal pregnancies using ultrasound scan.
Materials & Methods: In this ‌‌observational study, total 100 pregnants of aged from 22 to 34 years with first-trimester vaginal bleeding were examined by Ultrasonography. Demographics, obsestric history such as age, parity, gravidity bleeding severity, ultrasonography results, and clinical diagnosis referred in categorical data and analysed using Chi-square analysis. Statistical analyses were done by SPSS ver. 24.
Results: Spotting in 40%, light in 28%, and heavy in 32% of the pregnants in heaviness of bleeding. 73% of pregnant reported spontaneous bleeding. Threatened abortion clinically diagnosed in 52 cases; Ultrasonography confirmed 24 pregnant as threatened abortions and aids in correctly diagnosing 8 cases that were missed on clinical examination. 24 pregnant women out of 36 threatened abortions were continued to term, with a 66 % success rate. Ultrasonography correctly diagnosed pregnant women who were threatened with abortion (n=36), incomplete abortion (n=20), missed abortion (n=8), ectopic (n=8), inevitable abortion (n=8), blighted ovum (n=4), and Hydatidiform mole (n=4). 96 out of 100 pregnants were correctly diagnosed by Ultrasound when compared to 72 out of 100 cases on the basis of clinical diagnosis with a disparity of 64%. On follow-up, six cases of threatened abortion were terminated.
Conclusion: Ultrasonography plays an important role in the etiological diagnosis of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy; in most cases, a responsible abnormality of bleeding is easily identified. Using Ultrasonography, misdiagnosis at first trimester can be avoided.

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Type of Study: orginal article | Subject: General

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