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Associate professor, Inpatient Safety Research Center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran , naderaghakhani2000@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2490 Views)
Background & Aims:  Group quarrel is a social pathology phenomenon that disrupts the ruling order of society and dealing with it always has been a concern for social order and security. So, determining the social, economic and cultural effects of Group quarrel tendency among citizens is necessary. The main objective of this research was to examine the impact of factors affecting tend to conflict among male citizens referring to forensic center in Urmia.
Materials & Methods: The data is obtained through survey-based study and using questionnaire technique of sample of 85 people which were selected through simple random sampling. The information gathered and analyzed using spss version 16 software. In addition to descriptive statistical methods in the statistical analysis, methods such as mean, percentage, variance and analysis of variance and regression were used.
Results: Results showed that 50% of people has a history of conflict and 43% of people do not have any satisfaction of their lives and most of the samples have been selected "the lack of an intimate relationship between family members" from the ones listed in the "Suggested factors affecting the tendency to quarrel". It was found that apart from previous conflict history and dissatisfaction with life, no significant correlation has been found between the results of the investigation and factors affecting the tendency to quarrel among men (P  =0.05).
Conclusion: identify the types of situations and problems affecting the tendency to quarrel among the male citizens referred to forensic center in Urmia, in 2014 will led to further researches on how to prevent and reduce the problems. The data can be used to identify problems that should be considered more in these patients and can be used in health care improvement and awareness of people about the different aspects of this problem and its negative impact on the current state and future of community, the use of health service delivery and training platform to understand and alleviate the problems and eventually the spread of prevention culture and facilities and also family counseling for training families to anticipate and deal with these problems.
Keywords: quarrel, man, Urmia
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Type of Study: orginal article | Subject: General

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