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Seyyedi S A, Razeghinejad M H, Yeganeh Majd H, Taram S. Assessment of the Patient Satisfaction from Adjunctive Laser Therapy during Orthodontic Treatment. Journal of Research in Applied and Basic Medical Sciences 2022; 8 (4) :237-245
URL: http://ijrabms.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-144-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine, Dental School, Urmia university of medical science, Urmia, Iran , Seyyediamir@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1376 Views)
Background & Aims: Orthodontic patients may need different side treatments during their orthodontic treatment. These include a labial frenectomy to close the diastema, a corticotomy to speed up tooth displacement, or other treatments. In this study, the satisfaction of orthodontic patients in whom the treatment was performed with the help of laser radiation was evaluated by a standard questionnaire.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 31 orthodontic patients who needed adjuvant treatment for various reasons and were referred to a specialized laser center in Urmia, Iran along 2020 were included in the study. Patients' files were reviewed and their demographic characteristics and type of treatment were recorded in a questionnaire. Patients' satisfaction with the treatment was assessed by calling them by phone and recorded by the researcher in a written questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 software and by statistical tests.
Results:31 patients (25 females and 6 males) with a mean age of 23.71 ± 8.45 years participated in this study. The use of laser was collectively good but in accelerating the process of tooth displacement was the least and the use of laser in gingivectomy surgery is the most satisfactory forthe patients (p = 0.002). The type of laser had no effect on patient satisfaction (p = 0.429). The type of treatment and the type of laser had no effect onthe patients' stress during orthodontic treatment (p> 0.05). With increasing the number of treatment sessions,the patients' sedation levels increased significantly (p = 0.009). The type of treatment, type of laser, and number of treatment sessions had no effect onthe patients' pain (p> 0.05).
Conclusion:According to the findings of this study and due to the high satisfaction rate of the patients from gingivectomy and frenectomy treatment by laser adjunctive treatment, laser may be used more in the future in the treatment of these patients with.
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